Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Some Things

Happy August First y'all! Happy Birthday to whoever you are!

Everyday is someone's birthday so we all should say Happy Birthday to someone because some people never hear it. All is fair in love and war, until somebody gets shot which happens more often than not.

It absolutely astounds me at the gal of some people. What I need to understand is why put your work out there, why ask for reads, support in general just to think you're too good an author to allow someone to read your damned book in the end? Here's a news flash for you pompous ass authors, just about anyone can write!

And when I say anyone, I mean anyone!

What you all should know is that I'm a bit schizo, multiple personalities and such but inside one being, myself. No, I'm not medically diagnosed but I guarantee, it won't ever happen. Every time I step foot in a psychiatrist's office and they ask those impersonal, touring questions, I feel the need to counter with some of my own. I suppose I like the look of utter disbelief on their shell-shocked faces.

Some Things like airheads who've attended writers workshops should know is that you're all one in the same. Writing comes from an imagination you just don't have. Apparently not being as how you're dying to become what people consider perfect and what I want you to do sweetie, is take a good look in the mirror, close your eyes and daydream. That's all the inspiration you need.

I'm a full time child, sister, and loudmouth, graciously so and I can't deny it. I love being Summer, well whoever the hell I am. It'd surprise you to know that all I am is a proud-to-be alleged nerdy girl who lives in a big house with lazy ass people. Don't we all? I could never and will never write anything "Self Help". If you think you need one of those, get off your scrawny ass and do something about yourself! Don't be a victim because damnit, you're ever so more than that.

I believe some authors need a touch of reality because all that water their swimming in in that big tank up there is sure to crash down, glass be shattered and bodies lay bloody and bruised in the aftermath of their ever so fluorescent glow. This is why Steven King, Jodi Piccoult, even Jane Austen and Ernest Hemingway dwindled to a dusty hardback sitting on a shelf with tens of millions other books that we pass and pay no attention to. Sometimes praise isn't a good thing, sometimes praise makes you ignorant, not as receiving.

I'm a big girl, proudly in all aspects of the word. I'm not one of those people that's gonna stand there and say I love something I truly couldn't care less about. I'm not one of those women who sit up and say they love horses because they're beautiful creatures. They have big teeth, make way to much noise and can stomp me to death. I rest my case. And for all you goody-two-shoes, we all know why your God fearing ass chose a horse and not iBod. Caught ya didn't I?

You wanna be a writer? Sit your ass down with some paper, a pen, a pencil and a big ass eraser. Get some flashcards and find some tack pins. Don't you dare erase an idea you have because God knows one day you'll think back on it and try to remember it and won't recall a single damn word but you will see the image replaying on an endless cycle in your head. That's the way of life sweetie, roll with it and keep everything you've ever written because that little bunny you wrote about when you were two, could make some new two year old's day.

Anyway, Some Things should be watched. The things people say for instance. Trust me, no one's stealing your work to make themself famous. Truth out there, I'd steal ya damn work. I will hack into your damn computer and download the file and those password protected pictures you have on your Mac or Windows PC. I'm not stealing it for personal gain. Fans do that shit all the time, appreciate the free publicity.

Trust me, no one's going to write anything that is worth remembering if they don't be themselves. Sometimes you'll rise and most times you'll fall but let a lesson be known, one book does not make the author. It is the flow of an author's words like the turmoil tours the Nile and the soothing lullaby of a character's tumultuous banter as well as that one person out of ten who will like your story that will make you want to write your ass off to please them. An author knows not their words until they are truly written which is why a true author must so often fall back and re-read the dozen of chapters they have read through tens of times when they have finished that magnificent inprinted work on a screen before them or on the still drying ink, that makes that author know that they have truly joined the world of the living. When an author can recite their written words without an uh, or a stutter, then you know for a simple fact that this author is not who they should be. No work is perfect, no author is unique. We have all taken something that has been passed down the centuries and the only thing our own is our memories.

Let that be a lesson to you all and have a great day!

Yours Sincerely,
Summer Lynn Hart