
I've yet to do one and this site mainly focuses on indie published, Wattpad, and stories. What fair is that you ask? Well, we pay for all these thought-to-be well written books and some turn out to be pure trash with bad editing, crass thoughts and wording and when we read a romance, or any genre for that manner, we expect the author to give their all.

Sadly, this rarely happens. Therefore, I've decided to make it my mission to give reviews on the numerous books I read a week and pick the best and worst of the bunch, maybe them all. Most don't realise how hard it is to write a review. I can tell you, it ain't simple and this isn't a career for me, it's a hobby, one I love. Many cover it with pretty words and false advertisement. I find I like truth and a good novel or story that will entrap me, even if it's all over the place and doesn't come together til the last few chapters. I tell you this because reading is what I love and breaking apart a book, piece by piece, is what I enjoy. I've still not got that i before e thing down but in knowing so much, it's great to need to learn something else.

Yours Truly,
Summer Lynn Hart 

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★ - full