
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tonight.

Modesty is outdone, in Summer's opinion. Summer Lynn Hart is a weaver of literary genius, a master of fuckwittery, questionable taste, and a self-confessed provocateur of pure, unyielding, mental stimulation. She is an artist of clairvoyant visualized asskickery and has written full length books in mere weeks. Some of them are questionable and will have you questioning your sanity and her own. Sometimes, it will make you laugh and at times, it will make reach for a Kleenex but in the end, it will leave you satisfied. Or so she hopes.

A small town girl, she likes french fries, onion rings, root beer, and fruity sodas. She hates when Starbuck's baristas screw up her drink and is allergic to most foods. Summer often speaks and therefore writes in an old way of speech, confusing some. Originally from Southern California, the California native proudly calls the California Mountains her home though gladly admits she'd have rather been from the great ole state of Texas and uses the time she has available to stake rotten vampires because not all of 'em can be indescribably sexy.

Summer Lynn Hart began writing in the summer of 2012. She entwines tales of romance and the paranormal. She gladly confesses that her mind is much too corrupted to write anything but and affectionately calls her readers her Corrupted Puppets because sooner or later, she knows that she'll corrupt them for their own good.

Summer hopes you will enjoy her lovely stitched tales of romance and all things paranormal.

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