Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Life is stressful at the moment. My house was recently robbed while we were out celebrating my younger brother's graduation and everything electronic was stolen. It really saddens me how some people are happy with being thieves. In my heart, I know that the guilt is tearing them apart.

At the moment I am attempting to replace a five thousand dollar laptop, two others, and a whole lot of gaming systems. Being only fifteen, some say I have no reason to stress but that's where they're wrong, anyone can be stressed, no matter their age. On top of that, I'm trying my hand at writing a novel. You'll see the little progress bar at the right hand side at the bottom because as I've said, no laptop and no desktop to fix up this awesome blog. It's all being done on my iPad.

On the other hand, I joined Wattpad some time ago. It's a wonderful site with lots of interesting stories written by talented authors. Others, 7/8ths, not so much. I could fully admit to liking the ones for adults only. High school stories aren't really my thing, never have been. Between working on an agenda and schedule to write, read, and find a job, I'm swamped. With so much on my plate, I don't even believe I'll be able to start school in the fall and might simply wait for the summer semester. It seems the most logical choice.

On the upside, I've basically linked all my online accounts and plan to fill this one with loads of information, pictures and text but have officially linked this one to Wattpad.

Wish me luck,
Summer Lynn Hart